Veterans Day at Home Depot

I’ve read many stories over the years of deplorable treatment of active duty military, veterans and spouses, but none of that prepared me for a first hand experience. Let’s talk about Home Depot and how one very rude manager was “honoring veterans” on this lovely Veterans Day. Our story starts the day before Veterans Day.…

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DIY Treasure Chest Bank

The day started with a bit of tragedy. I was lying in bed, still half-asleep when I heard crash, shatter, scream. I jumped out of bed and bolted to living room to find a distraught little boy standing over a shattered piggy bank. Accidents Happen It turns out he was taking his piggy bank down…

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Dealing with Prescription Mistakes at the MTF

TL;DR: the base pharmacy almost dosed my 4 year old wrong and didn’t even care. It all started with a fever… This morning, Dustin and I spent 3 1/2 hours at the base hospital. The whole thing was one ridiculous fiasco after another. Dustin woke up with a 102+ fever and was miserable. He couldn’t…

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Will You Accept the Plastic Free July Challenge?

It’s Plastic Free July. Don’t know what that is? I didn’t either until a few weeks ago. But I’m taking part this year and I hope you will too! Plastic Free July Eco Challenge I had never heard of Plastic Free July until I was invited to join a team and participate in an Eco…

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Nurses, Teachers, Military Spouses… Thank You!

Teacher Appreciation Week, Nurse Appreciation, Military Spouse Appreciation and Sunday brings Mother’s Day. Seriously. All rolled up in one week. Pretty sure teachers and nurses deserve their own week all to themselves. If not an entire month. Perhaps we can rename this “National People We Don’t Thank, Pay or Respect Nearly as Much as We…

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Batten Road Market

At the end of a dirt road, down by a riverbank, a collection of local artisans, small businesses and vendors are gathering to share their goods, services, crafts and passions at the Batten Road Market. You’re invited to join them for this one-day-only event. Batten Road Market – Saturday, May 19 Rush & Ramble is…

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Celebrating Teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week

Teachers. The amazing people who help us raise our kids while stuffing their heads full of useful information and good habits. While I will gladly take as much of the credit as I can get for raising an outstanding kid, I would be remiss to not acknowledge the teachers that have had a hand in…

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Dirty Pour – Acrylic Pour Fluid Painting for Beginners

If you aren’t artistically inclined, it’s easy to dismiss the idea of making your own art to decorate around the house. But making beautiful canvas art isn’t nearly as difficult as you might think. Dirty Pour Painting or Fluid Acrylic Painting is a lot of fun and you don’t have to be an expert to…

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Rush & Ramble is Proud to Sponsor WordCamp Jacksonville 2018

Rush & Ramble is a proud sponsor of WordCamp Jacksonville 2018. WordCamp Jacksonville is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. And at $35 for a two day ticket, including an After Party at Wicked Barley Brewing Company, it is one of the most affordable and accessible tech conferences you’ll find. WordCamps are informal, community-organized…

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