Butter Mochi: The Hawaiian Treat No One Told You About

If you’ve ever been to a tourist-trap luau or Hawaiian themed party, you’ve probably tried poi, haupia and kalua pig. While these are some popular, traditional Hawaiian dishes, the best foods the islands have to offer rarely make an appearance at these events. Malasadas, spam musubi, loco moco, and sata andagi are just some of the lesser-known…

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Mother’s Day Disappointments

Dear Mom, This Mother’s Day, I want to say thanks. Thank you for setting me up to be shocked, disappointed, and frustrated. Disappointed to learn it’s not as easy as you made it look. Disappointed to know so much of what you taught me is not common sense. Disappointed to find the world does not hold…

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Sand Cast Tea Light Holder

A few weeks back, I helped my son make a sand cast plaster paper weight. I came out so well, I’ve been itching to make my own sand cast plaster project since then. I finally settled on attempting a sand cast tea light holder. Simple enough in theory but some of the details and materials took…

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Cool Whip Easter Eggs

Easter is next weekend, which means egg hunts, Easter baskets, commemorative photos of terrified children and giant bunnies, and yes, dyed eggs. This is my first year letting my son near the dye so I thought we’d make it extra special try something different, cool whip Easter eggs. I got the idea after someone showed…

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Squirrel Feeders

Squirrels can be real pests, so why make a squirrel feeder? My son loves animals. We spend a lot of time visiting the zoo and learning about the animals that live there. We’ve pet penguins and stingrays, fed giraffes, and seen tiger and elephant training. But you know what animal always lands near the top…

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Acai Bowl Recipe

Ever had an açaí bowl? I have. Tons of them, actually. They actually top my list of ‘Things I Miss About Hawaii.’ Weather, beaches, food. In that order. But let’s back up for a second. Back in college, I got the grand idea to vacation in Hawaii for a week. I pinched every penny to…

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Love Potion Bottles

Packaging goes a long way. Major brands spend a lot of money creating the perfect packaging for their products and for good reason. In many cases, people will make buying decisions based on the packaging. The concept extends to gifts as well. there’s a reason most people buy wrapping paper, gift bags, and tissue paper…

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Perfume Three Ways

It’s no secret I love essential oils. If I can use them in place of another product, I probably will. Perfume is no exception. I used to have a pretty robust collection in all shapes, sizes, and brands that accumulated over the years. From Pearberry body splash (don’t act like you didn’t love it!) to…

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A Blessingway

Blessingway Necklace

Today I hosted a baby shower for my dear friend. But not the kind you are probably picturing in your head. We’re both over what seems to be the standard shower these days. You know the ones I’m talking about. Sit around awkwardly with an assortment of people you’ve never met while attempting to guess…

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Thieves Hand Sanitizer

Thieves Hand Sanitizer Recipe

Germs. Germs everywhere. Whether brought home from school, work, or a quick trip to the store, those little hitchhikers are pretty hard to avoid. Enter Thieves Hand Sanitizer. While nothing beats a good wash with soap and warm water, it doesn’t hurt to have this little gem in your flu-season-is-coming arsenal. Personally, I like to keep mine…

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