A pinch of this. A dash of that. And a whole lot of DIY. This is my journey. A chronicle of my adventures (and misadventures) with do-it-yourself projects, simple recipes and experiences surviving parenting and adulting.
Join me for the good, the bad, and the ‘nailed it!’ moments along the way.
Cash Envelope Prototype
This post was almost titled the Ugly as Sin Cash Envelope Prototype. Seriously, so ugly. With some tweaks and fine tuning, I have no doubt this will turn out to be a cute and useful project.…
Read MoreDIY Treasure Chest Bank
The day started with a bit of tragedy. I was lying in bed, still half-asleep when I heard crash, shatter, scream. I jumped out of bed and bolted to living room to find a distraught little…
Read MoreBatten Road Market
At the end of a dirt road, down by a riverbank, a collection of local artisans, small businesses and vendors are gathering to share their goods, services, crafts and passions at the Batten Road Market. You’re…
Read MoreCelebrating Teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week
Teachers. The amazing people who help us raise our kids while stuffing their heads full of useful information and good habits. While I will gladly take as much of the credit as I can get for…
Read MoreExcitement and exploration. Chaos and confusion. Whisk and wander.

Hurry up and wait. My life in a nutshell. And the concept behind Rush & Ramble.
Whether you're looking to spend some time with a DIY project or buy something already made, I've got you covered. In additions to projects, crafts and kid-friendly activities, I'll be sharing my thoughts, experiences and experiments along the way.